Project2: Seeds and Energy

1. Brief

"For this project, you will create a vivarium: a micro-world where a defined set of properties and behaviors are placed and developed. As a starting point, you will be assigned one of the following verbs, each inspired by a current global crisis, nearing a tipping point: a condition where a controlling system is overwhelmed, sometimes beyond potential return or repair."

The word I was assigned to was Growth.

2. Concept

Everything grows at the expense of others. To illustrate this phenomenon, I speculated an otherworldly space where seeds are floating in the air. The only light source in this dark space are energy particles. Every time an energy particle clashes with the core of a seed, the seed germinates, and the particle disappears. The changing of light condition epitomizes the impact the growth of seed has on environment.

3. Iterations

4. Final Design

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